Welcome to the energetic arm of powerful somatic healing.
Kundalini Awakening is a powerful and physically palpable energy transmission. This somatic healing modality bypasses the ego and allows you to experience an infusion of expanded consciousness. This intelligent energy works with you where you are that moment, which makes every session different. It is considered a gateway to nonduality.
KA works with the energy centers of the body supporting your own kundalini to rise in a safe manner. All or some of the effects of kundalini awakening can happen during a KA class. KA energy usually works in a downward trajectory, clearing the path for your upward activation of your own kundalini.
As the awakening field descends through your crown and third eye you may feel tingles, see colors or sacred geometry. You may meet your spirit guides or see an ancestor and get clear messages from them. As the transmission flows down your spine you may experience your neck wanting to stretch, an emotional release of grief or huge heart opening bliss. You may experience energetic movements in your body that feel INCREDIBLE, and happen naturally as a result of the energy. These movements will feel like EXACTLY what you need, and afterward feel very balanced. The result is deeply grounding in your physical body with expansion and connection to your highest self. The most important thing is to allow the experience to happen through you. Deep soul surrender is the secret to KA
KA is a tool for resetting your nervous system, clearing out old energy, learning more about your purpose, getting direct guidance from your highest self. Because it works with each person differently on that day the reactions are incredibly varied and will change over time. The more access you have to the energy the more sensitive to it you become and the more powerful the effects are. KA is often a weekly practice. In the months and years that pass your relationship to the energy will change as you get a more embodied connection to your highest self. Over time the healing of your nervous system allows a closer relationship with yourself and anyone else in your life.